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The Liberty County Jail is a 285 bed adult (male & female) jail facility located in Liberty, Texas.  The Liberty County Sheriff's Office took over operational management of the County jail facility effective October 1, 2020.


Jail Administrator:  Heather Urias Guerrero

Phone:     936 336-9395 ext #2801


Physical address (for visitation):

2400 Beaumont Ave.

Liberty, TX  77575 


For assistance on return of personal property from the JAIL, contact Beulah Chapman with the Jail Property Division via email.


If you are seeking status as to the reimbursement of your personal funds, please call the Commissary Clerk Corrections Officer A. White 936-336-9395 EXT 2801or email



Looking For or Need Information on a County Inmate.  Click Below to Search our Records.


To Setup a Telephone Account for an Inmate, Families can click the link below.

In-Person Visitation



In order to ensure that safety of the LCSO staff, the public and the inmates while visits are being held in the Liberty County Jail the following rules will apply immediately:


  1. All visits must be scheduled. Scheduling may be done by calling:  936-336-9395 ext. 1

  2. Days of visitations are: Monday through Sunday

  3. Visitation will be 30 minutes to accommodate scheduling 

  4. Hours of visitation are: 

    • Visitation allowed at the below times Wednesday thru Sunday

    • There will be no Visitation on Monday and Tuesday

    • General Population 10am-2pm

    • Segregation 3pm-6pm

  5. Dress code must be followed:

    1. All female visitors age 12 and older should adhere to the following dress code:

      • Shorts shall cover customarily covered areas of the anatomy, including the buttocks and crotch area, both when standing and sitting.  Shorts no higher than mid-thigh comply.  Short-shorts, jogging shorts, cut-offs, and other obviously inappropriate short garments are prohibited

      • Skirts and dresses shall rise no higher than mid-thigh when seated.

      • Sheer (see through) clothing is prohibited.

      • The top of clothing shall be no lower than the underarm in the front and back.    Bare midriffs and strapless tops, tube tops, and swimsuits are prohibited.

      • Shoes shall be worn at all times.

      • Gang “colors” and other gang displays are prohibited.

    2. All male visitors age 12 and older should adhere to the following dress code:

      • Shorts shall cover customarily covered areas of the anatomy, including the buttocks and crotch area, both when standing and sitting.  Shorts no higher than the mid-thigh comply.  Short-shorts, jogging shorts, cut-offs, and other obviously inappropriate short garments are prohibited.

      • Shirts shall be worn at all times.

      • Gang “colors” and other gang displays are prohibited.

      • Shoes shall be worn at all times.

      • Muscle shirts, bare mid-drift shirts, and sleeveless shirts are prohibited.

  6. Inmates will not be allowed to accept any item from a visitor. Visitors with small children are only allowed to bring in 2 diapers and a baby bottle.  No diaper bags are allowed.

  7. There will be no physical contact during the visits.  All visits will be held in the inmate visitation area.  A safety glass window will separate the inmate from the visitor.  Telephones will be used to verbally communicate.

  8. The visitors must wear an approved face mask in an approved manner while on LCSO premises.  This includes during the visit with the inmate.

  9. Once the visit is over a LCSO staff member will disinfect the visitation area before the next visitor may enter the visitation area.

These rules will be followed until further notice.

Reporting Sexual Abuse (PREA)

The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA)


Congress enacted the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) to address the problem of sexual abuse of persons in the custody of U.S. confinement agencies. PREA calls for federal, state, and local agencies to have a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual abuse and sexual harassment (as defined by PREA) in prisons, jails, police lock-ups, and other confinement facilities. The Act applies to all public and private institutions that house adult or juvenile offenders and to community-based correctional agencies. 


Liberty County’s Zero Tolerance Policy


Liberty County mandates zero tolerance towards all forms of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment in all its facilities. Liberty County has an aggressive and effective process to comply with all regulations that falls within the scope of the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and the DOJ National Standards To Prevent, Detect, and Respond To Prison Rape (Final Rule, dated, June 2012) or Subpart A of the DHS Standards to Prevent, Detect and Respond to Sexual Abuse and Assault in Confinement Facilities (79 Fed. Reg. 13100 dated March 7, 2014), Liberty County will comply with these regulations as required.


How to Report Allegations of Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment of Someone in Liberty County Jail


To report an allegation of Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment on behalf of an individual who is or was housed in the Liberty County Jail or if you were previously housed in the Liberty County Jail and need to report an allegation of sexual abuse/harassment, you may contact the Facility Administrator’s Office in the facility where the alleged incident occurred or where the individual is housed. The Facility Administrator’s office is located at 2400 Beaumont Avenue Liberty, Texas 77575.  Reports can be made over the phone, in person, in writing or anonymously if desired.


It is critical that you provide as many details as possible to help us investigate the allegation

  • The names and locations of alleged persons involved;

  • Individual’s register/booking number (if known);

  • Date, time and location of where the alleged incident occurred;

  • The names of any witnesses to the alleged incident;

  • A brief description of the alleged incident;

  • Your contact phone number and address if you wish to do so


Employee Reporting Options


Liberty County Employees may report Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment information to the Captain or facility management privately if requested. They may also report Sexual Abuse or Sexual Harassment directly to the Human Resource Department.


Employees may also contact the Corporate PREA Coordinator directly at the facility (936) 336-9395.




All cases of alleged sexual conduct shall be promptly, thoroughly, and objectively investigated. Upon substantiation of any allegation of sexual conduct, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the employee, contractor, volunteer, or individual. Those actions may include possible criminal prosecution. If the allegation potentially involves criminal behavior, Liberty County will ensure that allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment are referred for investigation to the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office to conduct criminal investigations.


Documents and Resources



To report an incident of Sexual abuse or access to confidential emotional support related to sexual abuse call:


National Sexual Assault Hotline     1-800-656-6473


The Crisis Center of Southeast Texas 1-800-793-2273 (1-800-7-WE-CARE)


P.O. Box 3208 Beaumont, Texas 77704



Liberty County Sheriff's Office


Located in Liberty, TX


Sheriff:  Bobby Rader



5345 Hwy 146 north

Liberty, Texas 77575



fax: 936-336-4536


© 2023 by A-1 Tel-Com, Inc.

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